OCD can be cured?


    OCD can be cured?

    Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a diverse class of mental illness. A little bit difficult for others to understand the severity and pain assiciated with it. It has many faces - repeated washing, repeated checking, repeated fear of being or doing harm, sexual obsession, blasphemous thoughts, compulsive masturbation and many uncountable thoughts, amages and urges. And, ultimate result is anxiety, frustration and irritability.


    About 2 to 3% of world's population suffer from this demonic illness in his or her lifetime. Course of illness is generally waxing and wanning depends upon many conditions. Females suffer little bit more than males.

    What causes OCD?

    Difficult to say! Hereditory or stress both are culprits. Neurobiology suggests a significant role of Serotonin Neurotransmitter.

    What to do if you have OCD!

    Yoy should consult a nearby Psychiatrist or Psychologist and get a proper diagnosis and treatment which may be in the form of Medicines (Fluoxetine. Fluvoxamine, Sertraline, Clomipramine etc.) ot Psychotherapy. Exposure and response prevention therapy (ERP) and Cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT) has been mainstay of treatmnet of OCD and has been proved through researches. Other techniques like thought stopping technique.

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